Saturday 25 March 2017


Am decked out for most of the day today.

It totally caught me by surprise. I should have known. But the thing is that it is not even that time of spring, or at least I thought it not to be the case. Month of March is supposedly still winter time, for goodness sake!

Anyway, I wasn't thinking straight, or shall I say I haven't given it much thought when I set off biking to work yesterday morning. The air was cool, it felt so good to start off my day. Biking home felt quite different though. I was feeling nauseous by the time I came home. My eyes were burning, my throat was dry and I was having a freaking headache. Still didn't think much of it - thought I was just simply tired after a hectic day at work.

By the time I finished prepping up dinner, my whole body was a bit shaken. I need to lie down and get a nap, I thought. I must have slept for a while when I heard some movements outside our bedroom. My hubby had arrived from work so I thought I'd get up to prepare for dinner. Funnily, as I will my whole body to sit up, I couldn't move all the way up. I was as if the bed was pulling me back down. I thought maybe I should take a couple of minutes nap still before dinner. When I finally woke, it was 5.30 am. I slept through the night without dinner!

I knew my morning would be hell! My muscles felt heavy. My eyes hurt and felt like burning. I have a runny nose. And the headache was a lot even worse. As I described all this to my half-asleep husband, he went on and said: "Could be your pollen allergy." As soon as he said that, I knew exactly what I should do. Clarityn. Paracetamol. Vitamin C drink. And then went back to bed.

By lunch time, I felt a lot better. Still drowsy, but so much better.

Sometimes, we really ought to expect the unexpected and be prepared to combat whatever has stricken us to get back on our feet. This pollen attack surely caught me by surprise. But then, I will be far more prepared and well-equipped to battle this attacks head on.

Bring it on, pollen!


Wednesday 8 July 2015

Summer 2015

Yes, summer's just around the corner ... or not. Typical Swedish summer means sporadic local rains and sun spots here and there. A straight sun sunny days for weeks is out of the question. Today is one of those typical Swedish summer days. Rain, sunshine and rain - all at the same time. Weird! Definitely weird yet quite charming. I can't explain this Swedish summer phenomenon any other way. All I can say is I intend to enjoy it in any and whichever way it comes. What is your summer like this year?

Sunday 15 February 2015

Thoughts about a boy


My boys have returned last night from their weeklong ski holidays up north of Sweden, sans yours truly. Other than I had to work, my wrists has not really recovered 100% after my scooter accident from last summer - but I'm getting there. Slowly, but surely.

As soon as my son walked through the door, he flung himself and gave me a big hug. I missed you, he said. I returned his warm embrace with a big smile and a peck on his cheek. I missed you, too, kiddo, I said.

That's my boy!
My 13-year old was beaming with a big smile, his cheeks rosy red. He looked so happy. Our time away from each other did wonders. I realised there and then that he needed that time for himself. It was his alone time. Up in the alps to gather his own thoughts. To chill out. Put behind the daunting pressure of school work on the side. Breathe in some fresh air. Re-focus. Get inspiration and a new perspective on his priorities. It is vital ... it is needed. Bonding with his Dad was a great idea.

Time and again, I have to remind myself that my kid, in his towering height of 5'8 and chiseled features of a swimmer's muscular upper body, firm and long lean legs, is still a child at 13. One can easily mistake him for a full grown adult, but he isn't. I, too, tend to forget. But I get that now. His teen phase, as anyone else's, will pass. It's all part of growing up. This is his discovery-phase. Learning. Wanting and needing. Getting a taste of success and failure. Processing defeat and frustration in his own way. And then comes acceptance that one can't have it all. But this is just a beginning. There's still a lot in store for him. I know fully well he will be just fine. The big life is waiting for him. Life's lessons will teach him well, and hope to God he will learn them just as well.

In any case, teen or adult, he will always be our baby.

Sunday 18 January 2015

Pope Francis in my heart

His Excellency Pope Francis
Today, 18 January 2015, is the last day of Pope Francis' papal visit to the Philippines. Since day one, I have been following his activities in my native country and have been in awe and truly inspired by his genuine acts and words of love and compassion. His smile is infectious. His humour affable and adorable. His is the kind of company one would like to keep close. His positivity and strength shines through his persona like a cloak to protect you from all things harmful, bad and evil. You know you are safe and sound in his arms and comfort your pain.

Twenty years ago, I had the privilege to be among those who welcomed Pope John Paul II during his papal visit to my Alma Mater, the Pontifical and Royal University of Santo Tomas - the oldest Catholic University of the Philippines. This year, His Excellency Pope Francis came for yet another visit to inspire and rekindle the hearts and souls of the Catholic faithfuls. Pope John Paul's visit was a memorable one, of me being there in the midst of all the preparations in welcoming him and bear witness to his inspirational talks as a young adult back in 1995. This time around, it is no different. Thanks to the internet, I was able to follow the preparation and activities surrounding Pope Francis' papal visit to the Philippines - and yet again, as Pope Francis sets foot to the University of Santo Tomas. I take pride in being a part of the Catholic institution which has helped developed me as an individual - as a faithful and as a compassionate person I believe I have become.

Pope Francis and his flock of faithfuls
I have tirelessly browsed every single videos and picture galleries available documenting Pope Francis' visit and itineraries around Manila and Tacloban. I can't help shed a tear each time he offers great and genuine sensitivity and prayers to the plight of the common people ravaged by the storm, poverty and social hardships. His were words of heartfelt hope and compassion, that our pain is his pain, as well as his faith and belief in God and His mercy and blessings should also be part of our lives in each and every day.

Audience at the University of Santo Tomas
During his audience at the University of Santo Tomas, I was, again, moved to tears as I read the translation of his impromptu and spontaneous speech. Discarding the written address prepared beforehand, he chose to speak from his heart as brought by what has transpired during the short program presented to him where street children were given an audience with him asking "why God allowed for children to suffer so much" and "why God allowed drugs and prostitution to exist" and even offered a minute of prayer in remembrance of the death of Kristel, the young volunteer in Tacloban who helped prepare in the activities for his visit there.

I am in awe and will always be inspired by his calm, kindness and words of compassion. I will try my best to remember, to act and put into good use his advice - To think. To feel. To do. All in perfect harmony.

Mabuhay, Papa Francesco!

Friday 29 August 2014

Ultimate Chocolate Chip Cookie n’ Oreo Fudge Brownie Bar

Photo courtesy of  

What a sinful, sinful sweet treat!

I know! I know it ain't healthy. But it's sooooo good!

This brownie recipe is worth trying - especially for very chocolate lover out there.

Follow this link and enjoy your treat!

Sunday 24 August 2014

Holiday under the sun

Clearwater Beach, Florida, USA

Sun. Sand. Seas. These are my recipe for a great holiday adventure. This year, we spent it in Florida, USA.

Four (4) weeks touring Florida with my boys … what a bliss!

This holiday is, of course, well chronicled in pictures.

Visit my FB page

So, where have you been this summer?

Saturday 19 July 2014

The accident happened for a reason

Sore. That is how my whole body feels right now. My scooter accident last Thursday, 17 July 2014 left me with a fracture in my right hand,bruised and swollen knees, chest and left arm. Yes, you bet I’m in a lot of pain but I’m thankful just the same I am able to walk, albeit slow, and that myfunctional faculties, mental and psychological, are intact. Isn’t that pure miracle?

While I may be battered and bruised physically, the accident has strengthened my faith for things happening for a reason and somehow made me accept what has happened. Someone up there truly loves me and is watching, notonly me but the other driver being a minor, for us surviving all that with “just” fractures and bruises. Truth is, I felt calm through it all, full of profuse thanks to the powerful intervention of someone up there, acknowledging the accident to happen the way HE wanted it to be. How ever so, you may ask. Well, let me walk you through my day before the accident happened.

17 July 2014
Lunchtime. My work for the day has progressed with speed and as I have planned it to be and have ample of time to tie up a few things and finish an hour earlier. My son then called reminding me of things to buy on my way home, as he’s been busy preparing his pack and gears for his summer camp the following day. He’s all too excited to even ask me if he could come by my office so he could join me in getting the items he needed, and that he’ll take the bus and join me in my scooter on our way home or he’s bike to my workplace since the shop is right next to my office. I thought it was a good idea, but towards the end of our conversation, I decided against him coming to my office. I told him we’d get his stuff on our way to the airport tomorrow. He pleaded and begged, but I said no. He was, of course, disappointed – and in the same breadth rambled on the list of items he want to bring with him and he sent mean email requesting a colour-print of a picture he wanted me to bring home. Well past 15.00 hrs, I wrapped up work for the day and headed for home. The accident then took place at around 15.45 hrs.

Now, can you imagine if I had my son on the same scooter on my way home? Had he been riding alongside with me in his own bicycle, it would have been him getting struck by the other biker, or us both. These were the instantaneous thought I had in mind as I lay helpless on the road and was equally concerned for the other biker.

Things do happen for a reason. Any which way you look at it, I’m still the luckiest gal on this planet – and I’m feeling all the love andblessings of His grace and is forever grateful. And so should you.